Financial Calculators

Value of all Homes (£)

Value of Investments (£)

Value of Art, Antiques etc. (£)

Value of Life Insurance (£)

Value of loans owed TO you (£)

Value of Business Assets (£)

Less: Debts owed BY you (£)

Your Results

This is a generic calculation that does not take into account the individuals circumstances, it should not therefore be relied on. It is recommended that you seek tax advice.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Inheritance Tax Planning

Rates and allowances used in this calculator relate to the 2024/25 Tax Year.

UK News

The campaigner says it is time for a commitment for certain claims to be paid out over the next six months.
Economists are betting on rates being held in September with a cut to come in November instead.
Bank of England interest rates affect the mortgage, loan and savings rates for millions of people.
Official figures show that while commuter numbers have been rising, seating has barely budged.
BBC News speaks to Boeing workers on the picket line about why they feel they have no choice but to strike.